Curry Davis Consulting Group (CDCG) has extensive knowledge and experience managing large scale federally legislated emergency relief funds within cities, counties, and statewide. CDCG, led by its President and CEO, Karen Davis, has served as Project Management Lead and managed over $63M in Emergency Relief funds since 2010 and is known throughout the Foundation community in Atlanta as the go-to-Consultant for rapid response Project Management Services, which include: large scale service delivery strategies for emergency relief funds; program monitoring and quality review planning; staffing and managing project teams; developing marketing, outreach and awareness campaigns; managing partnership development and promoting large-scale community engagement for rapid response services. CDCG’s portfolio of Disaster Relief work includes management of four (4) emergency relief programs under three Presidential Administrations as follows:

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) under Obama Administration (Project Budget $20.2M)
CDCG was contracted by United Way of Greater Atlanta (UWGA) to help create and manage the Fresh Start Program funded through the Georgia Department of Human Services with funds received under ARRA in the amount of $20.2M. The program provided emergency rent, utility and mortgage assistance in the amount of $3K to Georgia residents. CDCG was responsible for statewide implementation of the Fresh Start Program to include: partnership development, outreach and participant enrollment, managing compliance, and support with fund distribution. A total of 16,000 families served in less than 6 months.

City of Atlanta CARES ACT Emergency Housing Assistance – Trump Administration
(Project Budget $22M)
CDCG was contracted by UWGA to serve as the Project Management Firm for the City of Atlanta Emergency Housing Assistance (EHA) Program. The City of Atlanta provided $22M in funding to UWGA for the purpose of providing $18.2M in emergency rent, utility and mortgage assistance to City of Atlanta residents. CDCG served as the Project lead for program development, implementation, and internal compliance as well as hiring and leading an EHA Rapid Response unit to increase access and fund distribution efforts. The City of Atlanta’s Rent Assistance Program was one of the few in the nation that used all of the funds allocated for rent, utility and mortgage assistance. Over 6,000 families were served and $18.2M spent in 7 months, which was 8 months before the December 31, 2021 deadline.

City of Atlanta CARES ACT Emergency Housing Assistance (ERAP 1) Consolidated Appropriations Act under Biden Administration
(Project Budget $15M)
Given the success of the previous City of Atlanta Program, UWGA extended its contract with CDCG to serve as Project Manager for ERAP 1 funds released March 2021. A total of $13.7M in ERAP 1 funds available for rent and utilities for City of Atlanta residents. As of August 25th, UWGA has spent more than $10M in direct payments to applicants. Currently on track to spend the full allocation of $13.7M in direct payments by October 15, 2021, which is 11 months before the federal program deadline September 30, 2022.

Henry County CARES ACT Emergency Rental Assistance (ERAP 1) Consolidated Appropriations Act under Biden Administration
(Project Budget $7M)
CDCG was contracted by the Georgia Micro Enterprise Network (GMEN) to serve as the Project Management team to lead the development, implementation and management of the Henry County ERAP 1 Program. Since launching the Henry ERAP Program on April 12, 2021, as of August 25th, $3.4M had been spent of the $6.3M available for direct payments to applicants. The project is on target to spend all funds before the December 31, 2021, which is 9 months before the federal deadline of September 30, 2021.

Greater Atlanta Builds Credit
Equifax in partnership with United Way of Greater Atlanta and On the Rise Financial Center decided they wanted to develop and implement the Greater Atlanta Builds Credit Initiative (GABC) as a primary strategy to spur financial resiliency and economic mobility among residents on Atlanta’s Westside. Curry Davis Consulting Group, LLC (CDCG) was contracted as the project management team to lead all aspects of the GABC planning process and creation of the GABC Coalition. Utilizing the Boston Credit Campaign model, CDCG identified a shared vision, focus areas and key messaging for GABC as well as created an active work plan to build out the GABC pilot in Atlanta’s Westside; facilitated human centered design focus groups with key stakeholders and potential partners to co-create the initiative; created the GABC Coalition, which includes: GABC core leadership team, community-based organizations, public agencies, philanthropic leaders, and private sector partners within the community, regional stakeholders, national stakeholders, and residents; and identified a team to implement the GABC pilot program.

Georgia Justice Project
Georgia Justice Project (GJP) over the past 30 years has strengthened the community by demonstrating a better way to represent and support individuals in the criminal justice system and reduced barriers to reentry. GJP was awarded a planning grant to develop a strategic proposal for GJP to potentially implement over the next 3 years. Curry Davis Consulting Group, LLC (CDCG) was contracted to successfully oversee all aspects of GJP’s growth and transformation planning by opening the GJP organization’s eyes to the possibilities of what they could become. CDCG developed a GJP Leadership Planning Team consisting of staff, board members and clients to participate in a learning journey in order to craft new ideas and strategies for GJP to implement for growth. CDCG identified national models & scheduled site visits with 4 national service providers in New York, NY and Chicago, IL; facilitated focus groups and strategy sessions with the Leadership Planning Team and the GJP staff; and crafted the final proposal pieces for GJP to present to the Kendeda Fund about the newly proposed GJP strategy.

Choice Neighborhoods Grant
In 2010, Atlanta Housing Authority (AHA) in partnership with the City of Atlanta, was awarded the Choice Neighborhoods Grant by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that focuses on transforming distressed neighborhoods into thriving communities with quality, affordable housing and amenities that meet the needs of their residents. In 2019, Curry Davis Consulting Group (CDCG) was contracted to manage the development and implementation of a corrective strategy by United Way of Greater Atlanta (AHA Choice People Education Partner) to reach the identified educational outcomes of Former University Home residents for the Choice Neighborhoods Grant. CDCG organized strategy sessions with HUD and AHA to develop an individualized student approach and worked with various after-school providers to meet the specific needs of each student. CDCG also manages the data collection and reporting of the student’s academic progress by participating in these programs in order to analyze student improvements and additional needs.

CORE-CACFP Train-the-Trainer Conferences
Curry Davis Consulting Group (CDCG) serves as a subcontractor to MH Miles Company, CPA, PC under the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service’s (FNS) Child Nutrition Programs’ Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Training Grant. CDCG provides logistical supports services, outreach, marketing, course content creation, survey development & implementation, focus group facilitation, training delivery and evaluation services to this project in order to positively impact the outcomes of the CACFP training.

Grove Park Foundation
The Grove Park Foundation’s mission is focused on improving the quality of life in distressed neighborhoods particularly through the Grove Park Initiative. The Grove Park Initiative goal is to break the cycle of poverty by delivering a cross-sectorial intensive set of school, housing, wellness, and other investments focused in one neighborhood. Curry Davis Consulting Group is responsible for: ensuring efficient and streamlined execution of the GPF’s Project plans, building and managing partner relationships, ensuring progress towards GPF’s Goals, coordinating meetings and the creation of external communications.

Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation – Westside Economic Inclusion Collaborative (WEIC)
The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, in partnership with The Equifax Charitable Foundation, formed the Westside Economic Inclusion Collaborative (WEIC) to ensure a strategic focus on Westside residents being connected to workforce and business development services and financial education. CDCG oversees all aspects of goals/strategies execution comprised in the three year WEIC Strategic plan. As the Project Manager for the WEIC, we are leading efforts to implement strategies in the areas of Financial Well-being, Small Business/Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development. CDCG is responsible for: establishing working groups to execute WEIC Year One Goals and Strategies; managing the implementation of the WEIC plan; and maintaining positive relationships across the complex ecosystem of the Westside.

Financial Empowerment Services (FES) Cash Assistance Program
The Financial Empowerment Services (FES) Cash Assistance Program is a program funded by United Way of Greater Atlanta (UWGA) in partnership with Bank of America to support students experiencing financial hardships, which may prevent them from graduating. CDCG works with UWGA to operate the Financial Empowerment Services Program at 5 community colleges and in partnership with a workforce training collaborative. CDCG is responsible for ensuring efficient and streamlined services while successfully managing the ongoing operations of the FES Program, through: program management, student engagement and data management/analysis.

Paycheck Plus Research Project
United Way of Greater Atlanta (UWGA) is partnering with a National Research Firm, MDRC, to implement and evaluate Paycheck Plus, a pilot program to simulate an expanded Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for low-income single workers without dependent children. UWGA contracted Curry Davis Consulting Group (CDCG) to manage the launch and implementation of the project, which included the development of the marketing and outreach strategies to enroll 4,000 individuals within 6 months, partnership development with the Department of Human Services’ Office of Child Support and other Community Based Organizations, hiring and managing the engagement team members, and serving as the liaison for MDRC. CDCG also created an effective system to manage the dispersal of bonus payments to more than 2,000 program participants each year over a 3-year period. The impending results of the Paycheck Plus Study could impact how EITC is applied to single tax filers in this country; therefore, CDCG is proud to be a part of such a monumental project.

Metro Atlanta eXchange for Workforce Solutions (MAX)
Metro Atlanta eXchange for Workforce Solutions (MAX) is a collaborative network formed to strengthen connections and promote information sharing among workforce development stakeholders in Metro Atlanta. MAX’s purpose is to be a catalyst to improve the competitiveness of the Metro Atlanta Workforce, while sustaining and growing a robust economy throughout the region. As the Project Management Team, CDCG was brought on temporarily (March 2015 – December 2015) to staff the MAX Steering Committee, which included executive leaders from the Atlanta Federal Reserve, Governor’s Office of Economic Development, Metro Atlanta Chamber, Technical College System of GA, The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Annie E. Casey Civic Site, and the Workforce Development Boards in metro Atlanta to name a few. CDCG also assisted in the coordination of the MAX Strategic Planning process, coordinated MAX events, and the creation of external communications, which included web content, newsletter creation, and public presentations on MAX.

Making Wages Work (MWW)
Making Wages Work (MWW) is a financial education and coaching program, which United Way of Greater Atlanta (UWGA) designed to address the lack of easily accessible financial education in the Atlanta Promised Neighborhoods (APN). Making Wages Work focused on reaching 1,000 families in the APN, whose income is less than $35,000 per year, with a goal of 20% receiving one-on-one coaching. UWGA contracted Curry Davis Consulting Group to conduct the evaluation of the program’s effectiveness. The evaluation of MWW included both process and outcome based evaluations to: better determine the impact of the program for participants; document that the project objectives were achieved; provide information about service delivery that will be beneficial to program staff; and enable program staff to make changes that improve program effectiveness.

Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs (ACE)
Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs (ACE) is a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), non-profit community lender with a focus on providing economic stability for low to moderate income small businesses through: a micro and commercial loan program, business advisory services, & various strategic initiatives. Curry Davis Consulting Group (CDCG) worked with ACE to promote their Healthy Food Finance Initiative (HFFI) and to launch their Women Investing in Successful Entrepreneurs (WISE) Initiative as part of ACE’s Clinton Global Initiative commitment. As the project team for HFFI and WISE, our responsibilities included creating a brand for WISE, staffing an advisory council, and providing guidance and strategic direction for all phases of the WISE Initiative, including but not limited to: planning; program development; implementation; evaluation; and sustainability assessment. CDCG is also responsible for creating WISE’s signature annual Speed Coaching Event. Speed Dating with an entrepreneurial twist! Allowing women business owners to meet one-on-one with successful business leaders and expert coaches to discuss strategies and solutions that are right for their businesses.

Structured Employment Economic Development Corporation (Seedco)
Structured Employment Economic Development Corporation (Seedco) is a national non-profit with a mission to advance economic opportunity for people, businesses, and communities in need. Seedco works to advance community economic development through workforce development, work and family supports, and employer and small business services. Curry Davis Consulting Group (CDCG) assisted with the promotion of & increased accessibility to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollment services in rural Georgia counties outside of metro Atlanta. In this role, CDCG developed communications strategies to market ACA in targeted regions around the state and created partnerships with key hospital systems & stakeholders in the region. CDCG provided ongoing management of six sub-grantees to assist with the implementation of ACA strategies.

Forsyth Futures Community Collaborative, Winston-Salem, NC
Forsyth Futures is a non-profit organization that launched an initiative in 2006, which focused on providing objective data to the surrounding community. It served as a catalyst for conversation and bringing stakeholders together to address key areas such as economic self-sufficiency, community engagement, education, etc. Our Principal Consultant, Karen Davis, served as the Project Director with a charge of working with key leaders and stakeholders to develop the strategic and operational plan for the Forsyth Futures Community Collaborative. Additionally, our team assisted with: the development and coordination of strategy teams for Forsyth Futures primary impact areas; the development of communication strategies for the release of a large-scale community data report for the primary impact areas; mapping community assets to identify duplication; organizing and convening regular stakeholder meetings; and staffing all strategic action teams to ensure progress towards the primary impact areas’ objectives.
Other Clients
Additional Curry Davis Consulting Group’s clients include:

Annie E. Casey Foundation
Coordinated close-out activities for the Partners Advancing Childhood Education Initiative. Identified and coordinated relevant activities for the Parents As Teachers group, coordinated leadership training meetings, and provided on-going engagement with community partners.

Georgia Food Bank Association
Served as Campaign Director for the Feeding for a Promising Future – No Kid Hungry Campaign. Working with Governor Nathan Deal’s Office, we launched the No Kid Hungry awareness campaign for child hunger issues in Georgia and created space for collaboration among major stakeholders like state nutrition program administrators to increase overall access to USDA nutrition reimbursement programs that promote feeding children.

Georgia Micro Enterprise Network (GMEN)
Contracted to do an analysis of the Annual GMEN Conference planning procedures. Using attendee feedback and research to create a plan to improve systems for future conferences. Contracted to research and generate spreadsheets on the poverty levels in Georgia and generated a report on the up and coming green industries as part of the research needed for a grant proposal.